Complete Chord Mastery
Guitar Chord Complexity Finally Demystified

What if you already knew and were able to play any chord on the guitar, in any position? What if could freely create your own awesome music? I’m not talking about being able to look up any chords. I'm not talking about sitting there and wasting time trying to figure it out. I mean being able to find and play right away any chord in any position as fluently as you can speak. Wouldn’t that be awesome?
If you’re like most guitar players, you might be struggling to master guitar chords everywhere on the guitar. Hey, I’ve been there too, we all have. It seems like there is soooo much stuff to know, and it would take a lifetime to learn it all! That’s what I used to think. It was so frustrating.
… but what I’ve found is there are people in this world who have mastered chords and it didn’t take that long to do. They aren’t any smarter or more talented than you or I. I’ve developed a system for my own offline students to demystify the guitar. Thanks to this system, they can quickly learn, understand and (fluently) play all sorts of chords. From simple to very advanced, all over the fretboard, in any position, inversion or voicing.
Have you tried any of these before?
- You bought a book on chords and found some cool chords. But you are not completely sure how to use these chords. And you don't know how to find them anywhere and everywhere on the guitar.
- You discovered a great sounding chord in one of your favorite songs. But when you try to use that same chord in your own music, you feel stuck. You aren’t sure how to make it sound great in a different context (such as in your own song) without it sounding out of place. Or worse, it sounds like you are just ripping off the song you found the chord from.
- You tried to create your own songs using your favorite chords. But then you struggled to make those chords 'flow' together in the same chord progression.
- Every time you try to create something using your favorite chords, you feel limited. That's because you don’t know how to use those chords in other inversions or voicings. Or worse, you are not sure you understand what I’m even talking about!
- When you hear really cool chords in other songs, you cannot figure them out by ear. You don't know what those chords are nor you understand why they work and sound so good.

You’re not alone. Lots of guitar players struggled with these same things (myself included in the past). That’s why I’ve created the Complete Chord Mastery course. Complete Chord Mastery will finally help you learn, understand, master and use chords all over the guitar. We will play them in any position, any voicing and any inversion. And yes, I’ll explain to you what those terms mean and how to use them in your own guitar playing.

Here Is What You Find In Complete Chord Mastery:
- How to play awesome-sounding extended chords (9th, 11th, 13th...) and how to adapt their incredible sound to YOUR style and make them work with YOUR music.
- The one big thing you can do with any two chords that makes them sound incredible together. No matter what those two chords are!
- How to take a chord progression from your favorite songs and make it sound like your own by using chord substitutions. You learn what these chord substitutions are, how they work and how you can use them in any song. The best part is, it works every single time.
- How to take any ordinary chord and make it sound interesting by inverting it. You learn how to use these chord inversions to transform any ordinary chord progression into music than can sound truly amazing.
- The one simple chord trick you can use that will make your friends ask, "WOW! What was that?"
- You will discover the secrets behind why some chord progressions always sound great. Better yet, you will know how you can use those same secrets to create lots of cool new songs in no time.
- How to use the amazing sound of Augmented 6th chords in any style of music (yes, even in metal)
- How to "manipulate" the listener’s emotions through both chord "progression" and chord "retrogression". (Hint: retrogression is more powerful in creating emotions for most listeners)
- How to create wide-spaced chords a la Eric Johnson and how you can apply them to your melodies.
- Discover how to enhance the emotional impact of any chord simply by changing its voicing for maximum impact.
- Why dissonance is not your enemy. We will see how to use "bad-sounding" chords in the right context to make them sound surprising and awesome! This is one way you can create super intense feelings in your music.
- Learn how to harness the spicy character of altered dominant chord to produce sounds that can range from Bebop Jazz to Brutal Heavy Metal.
- How you can use slash chords (not to be confused with the guitar player “Slash”) to make a simple chord progression sound like a million dollars. That's one of the tricks that top songwriters use all the time.
- Learn about: quartal and quintal harmony, pentatonic chords, and the "Debussy trick" to harmonize a melody with one chord type. (Hint: it's NOT parallel harmony).
- Learn to expand your palette of harmonic colors by using secondary chords.
- Discover the most common "standard" voicings and shapes used for each chord in specific styles of music. Then see how to create new ones that will sound different!
- Expand your songwriting choices by discovering Neapolitan chords and other chromatic chords. These classically-sounding chords are commonly used in modern songs. That's something you won't find in your average harmony book.
- Learn new ways to smoothly change keys in the middle of any song or chord progression. Not only you will learn standard "leading tone" modulations. You will also see how to use more innovative concepts such as chromatic mediant modulations. With these ideas you become free to move smoothly from any key to any other key.
- Systematic ways to harmonize any melody in lots of different cool ways. These should be in the toolbox of every musician!
- How to use "linear", "non-functional" chords in your songs to create modern sounds. These are usually not taught in "standard" harmony courses.
YES! I Want To Get Started Right Away! Give Me The Complete Chord Mastery Course Now
Who Is This Course For?
This course is for you whether you are a beginner, intermediate level or an advanced player.
Beginners: I will explain everything step-by-step in detail. This way you will be able to understand and apply everything you learn immediately.
Intermediate Level Players: We’ll reinforce what you already know. We will fill in any gaps you may have in your knowledge. We will build upon that knowledge, teach you new, advanced concepts and show you how to apply it all to your own music.
Advanced Players: You will see more advanced applications of the concepts you may already know. You will also see all these concepts unified in an organic whole. This will help you think on your feet and leverage everything you know and everything you will learn.
In Every Session You Will Get:

Harmony Concepts & Applications Video Lesson: each video lesson is 40-60 minutes long. You see me explain all the concepts on both guitar and whiteboard. I’ll play the examples just as if I was in the same room with you. Even better: you can stop me anytime, play back the video to hear the explanation again. You can stop-and-restart the video to go at your own pace. You can watch the lesson again after a few months to refresh the concepts in your mind...

Harmony Concepts & Applications Audio Lesson: Here, you learn to visualize and internalize what you learned in the video lesson. The content of this audio lesson is the same as in the video lesson. The big benefit to you is that can listen again to the lessons without being able to see what I'm playing or writing on the whiteboard. This way you will internalize these concepts so they become second nature in your mind. This is critical if you want to to master what you are learning! Besides, you can listen to and review this audio lesson in your mp3 player anytime, anywhere.

Harmony Concepts & Applications PDF Lesson: You get a PDF file with the complete word-by-word transcription of the video session. The transcription includes Tabs and diagrams of the examples. Also, there are extra diagrams to help you understand better, reference tools, and more exercises given in each sessions. This is to help you understand better and keep what you just learned in your memory and in your fingers.

Chord And Harmony Spotlight PDF Lesson: In every spotlight lesson, we focus on either:
- A specific chord (formula, common shapes, voicings, inversions, possible uses and substitutions)
- A specific chord progression (with examples of its possible uses, variations, common substitutions applied, relationships with other chord progressions)
By collecting all the Spotlight sessions, you create a reference file on the most important ways of using harmony to create and arrange music. By the end of the course, this will become your very own "Harmonic Encyclopedia". You will be able to consult it at any time for a fast reminder and suggestions on what to do in real-life musical situations.
Plus, You Also Get These Awesome Bonuses

That’s right, as an extra special bonus you also get free live video support every week with me, Dr. Tommaso Zillio, who will answer your questions live on video each week (via Zoom).
Never get stuck again on a harmonic concept!
Never sit at home alone wondering if you are learning, practicing, or mastering something the right way!
Get access to ALL recordings of past weekly Live Support sessions for as long as you are an active subscriber to the Complete Chord Mastery Course!
($57 monthly value! You get it FREE EVERY MONTH for as long as you are an active subscriber)
Free Bonus #2: The Chord Voicing Reference eBook
In real-life music situations, it often happens that you have to try different voicings to find the one best suited to the song you are working on. Voicings are different ways of playing the same chord on the guitar fretboard. For these situations (or even simply to get some fresh ideas), a reference eBook on chord voicings is an invaluable tool to have.
Of course, there are already hundreds of books on chord voicings out there, so you may wonder why you need this one. Here's the reason: all chord books out there try to cram in as many chord voicings as possible. They do this to make the book look impressive or "complete". In fact, this just makes those books difficult to consult, overwhelming, and less useful.
It's useless to have a book with thousands of chord voicings if you cannot find what you need in it. And to my knowledge, there is NO book out there that classifies chords and voicings in a rational systematic way so that it's easy to consult and immediately useful.
That is, until THIS eBook.
Here, you will still find more chord voicings and shapes than you can imagine... but here we organize them so that they are easy to find. Above all, every single shape in this eBook is playable and usable in actual music. There are no "computer generated" impossible chords here .
This eBook is the companion you want to have at your side whenever you are composing or studying chords and harmony on your guitar. It will make your life much easier and will save you A LOT of time.
Here is What’s Included:
You will get a 104-pages eBook containing chord diagrams. There are common and less common fingering options for each type of chord on the guitar. Chords in the eBook include triads, 7th chords, extended chords (9, 11, etc..). We include several chord inversions, in both close and wide voicings. We organize the chords in a systematic, easy-to-find way. This means that you will always find a chord shape that is relevant to the song and style you are playing within seconds.
($99 value! You get this bonus item FREE with your very first lesson)
Free Bonus #3: Chord Composition And Compatibility Encyclopedia
You can always find what notes are in any chord from scratch... but sometimes you do not want to do "math" and find the notes: sometimes you want to see how chord works and compare to each other... and you want to do it fast. You also want to know what scales work over any specific chord.
With the Chord Composition And Compatibility Encyclopedia you now have a comprehensive reference document. Here you find the formulas of every chord, the notes in every chord in all 12 keys, and the scales that are compatible with each chord.
This is a reference that you will want to have at hand whenever you are composing or studying theory.
Here is What’s Included:
- The intervals formula for all common chords. This makes it easy for you to understand the theory and the naming convention of the chords. You will be able to see immediately the difference between, say, a full diminished and a half diminished chord. It also serves as a source of inspiration whenever you are searching for a "different" sound
- The note composition of all chords in all 12 keys. This makes it easy to compare at a glance, for instance, if a Abm6/9 has the same notes as a Fm9/b5 or not (hint: yes)
- What scales "fit" over each chord: for instance, find at a glance what scales are compatible with a C maj7/#11 chord.
($99 value! You get this bonus item FREE with your very first lesson)
YES! I Want To Get Started Right Away! Give Me The Complete Chord Mastery Course Now
... but will Complete Chord Mastery work for you? Well, don't take my word for it. Just ask a few of my students:
The fact of the matter is that, as Tommaso eloquently demonstrates, music theory is nothing like a rulebook. Rather it is an atlas mapping out and guiding you to all the musical ideas that have been tested and proven so far. And since each one idea triggers at least three further ones, how many new pages you’ll add to the atlas is really up to your creativity.
With Tommaso’s courses, you’ll get none of the self-aggrandizing bullshit that so often passes for “music theory expertise” all over the internet. What you get is hands-on practical tutoring, instantly and organically integrating the mental understanding of what’s going on with the physical experience of making it happen on your instrument.
Zoltan Precsenyi
I'm currently in session 3 and lovin' it!
I had theory in high school and in college and at one point I was going to be a music major but basically I got turned off by a big long set of esoteric rules that didn't seem to have any application to what was going on in my mind respect to music So when I found out about your stuff... this idea to learn how music operates so we can learn and express ourselves with greater ease totally resonated with me...
To me it makes so much more sense and it's working so well for me. And the fact that we are doing it on a guitar is revolutionary, because it was always taught on a keyboard or on a staff.
So thank you for this course and the opportunity to learn!
Brian Yates
It clears up many misconceptions about this topic and gives you a step by step, coherent way of learning them instead of a piecemeal of faulty information.
All the information is presented in a various ways, so you can continuously re-enforce your learning of the materials.
Derek Steep
Professional Guitarist and Teacher
That session of the chord course - Wow! I’ve looked at chord melody playing before and found it far too slow and boring to try to figure out the chords that go with the melody notes. You are the first I have seen link it back to the triads (seems so obvious now!) and in just 15 minutes I found I was starting to play reasonably well targeting melody notes across the first two or three strings.
This gave me so much more harmonic freedom than ever before and also sounds so much more interesting. Truly, thank you so very much.
Simon W

I am simply enthusiastic about this course: Complete Chord Mastery is clear, exhaustive, perfectly balanced between theory and practice, full of examples, explanations, references to authors, usages, types of music and styles. Never the term “complete” has been more apt to identify the contents you get in the course.
Tommaso is a great teacher, he knows what a learner needs and he helps people become autonomous and responsible for their learning.
At last I have found a true guitar music theory course.
I hum a melody and go along harmonizing, hear my mistakes, look for new solutions, change fret, key, sequence, introduce a dissonant chord, put a Sus chord or an Add one to get the proper effect. Now I know what chord inversions are, how to use them and why. I still can’t believe that’s me who’s playing.
Complete Chord Mastery course has changed my way of approaching the guitar and of living Music.
Paolo Taras
Your output of excellent content is unparalleled. I am really enjoying the Chord Mastery course so much - sipping it like delicious that I have some time free from my day job. Keep up the good work.
Once I've completely mastered this I will go on to other courses from you. You deserve the success you're having. Thanks again for delivering a great product!
Rob S
Complete Chord Mastery is without doubt like nothing else I have come across before in my 27 years of playing. One of the many differences of the Complete Chord Mastery Course is the fact that Tommaso shows you how to apply chords in real life playing situations, rather than leaving you with a whole bunch of theory, some “fancy” chord shapes, and absolutely no idea how to apply any of them to your everyday playing.
Tommaso teaches and trains you in a very unique way with Complete Chord Mastery that you simply won’t get anywhere else. He isn’t regurgitating information on chords you can find online or other places, but rather showing you the simplest, easiest to understand, and most effective ways you can create all kinds of awesome music through chords and harmony on the guitar.
As long as you complete ALL the exercises Tommaso provides in the course you wont help but be able to once and for master chords and harmony on guitar, something most guitar players can never say.
I cannot recommend this course highly enough. This is truly the ultimate course for learning, understanding and applying chords to your guitar playing, no matter what style of music you play.
Simon Candy
Professional Guitarist and Teacher
Your courses are unbelievable! And I think a student can go thru them over and over and pick up something new every time as levels improve.
The information is well presented and I recommend anyone that is serious about guitar to take the courses.
Denis C

Tommaso’s courses do teach us “How” to play but any teacher, good or bad, can do that.
Tommaso’s courses seek to teach us a far more difficult, abstract concept: How to “Think” so we do not “Have” to think as much about theory and technic when we perform.
It has been said, if you are a right-handed guitarist: “Your left hand is What you know, your right hand is Who you are as a guitarist”.
Tommaso gives you the tools to learn the “What” in his videos and exercises for your left hand.
His real gift to us is his philosophical wisdom of being a professional guitarist for who you are as a guitarist: Your right hand.
He teaches us how to learn theory in a way that allows us to create amazing guitar performance concentrating on the Music we are creating and not the Technical Skills required to create the music.
After fifty years on my guitar journey, Tommaso took me to a new level of thinking, playing, and creating that I thought at my age was not possible.
As a follow-up note: Do the Exercises!!!
Brad Huett
Hello Tommaso,
I’m already taking your chord mastery course. I’m learning tremendously. I only wish I could practice five more hours every day! Thanks for your excellent guidance in my music education!
Bill H
The true beauty of Tommaso's course is that he hasn't just thrown you a whole bunch of chord voicings and chord progressions to learn and leave you on your own to figure it out. He lays it all out for you in a way that is really simple to understand even if you are not an advanced guitar player yet. And then he guides you every step of the way to the process of learning that information so that you can actually start making music with all the things that you are going to be learning right at the first lesson. Which is really, really incredible.
If you liked Tommaso's free eBooks and resources on his website, give this course a shot. Believe me, you'll be glad you did.
Mike Philippov
Professional Guitarist
Many thanks Tommaso. You are the best and most interesting teacher imaginable. I studied percussion with many greats but none as interesting and practical (and smart) as you.
Peter C
I love the program and it is thanks to it that I am making the most progress I have ever made in my guitar playing.
Ricardo R
This course gets you to use Jazz and Classical theory so you can understand both worlds, write chord progressions in both, and see where they cross over and just have different terminology for the same thing and where they differ as well.
One of the big things I know people avoid guitar theory for is that they have to go learn things on piano first. With this course you're straight onto your guitar. It gets you to play stuff straight away so you can start writing songs with it very very quickly.
I also love that Tommaso applies it to many different styles: this will work great with Metal, this will work with Funk, Rock, Pop. I absolutely love the stuff on Gospel as well, I thought that was really cool.
Darryl Powis
Professional Guitar Teacher
Listen to Darryl's track "Animal Nature":
it is sooo GREAT!!
Ok, if I need help, I send you my questions but for now NO problem at all with this crystal clear explanations!
I know now that i'm gonna progress the way i want with your courses
Julien T
This course is unique. I've seen a lot of different theory courses, as well as chord theory courses, I've even taken college courses, and the way that the material is presented in this course it's about application and being able to USE the information immediately.
So much theory just stays "theory" where you may read about it. This course instead will put your guitar right in your hands and whatever concepts it is that you are learning you're going to work with it immediately and you'll be guided to the parts of that concept that applies to the specific style that you play.
I highly recommend the Complete Chord Mastery course by Tommaso Zillio. It will change your approach to theory, chords, and the way you use them in your music, it will increase your creativity, it will improve your ear so that you can understand what it is that you are listening to.
Paul Kleff
Professional Guitarist
You see, out there one finds some interesting stuff. But by and large, either you get people who know music but can’t teach, or people that can teach but don’t know the guitar. Most of them come from the piano and you find that out when they get in trouble with theory concepts and turn to the white and black keys of the piano keyboard in order “to be more clear”.
On the contrary Tommaso teaches you guitar music theory and he sticks to it throughout the whole course. After the very first lesson of the course you have not only learned the basic triads chords on all strings but you realize that the fretboard is all you need to keep track of notes, sequences and positions.
In a word, no messing around switching from fretboard to keyboard and backwards.
Tommaso is a great teacher, he knows what a learner needs and he helps people become autonomous and responsible for their learning. At last I had found a true guitar music theory course.
Paolo T
Tommaso helps you to play in multiple keys on the guitar right away, without need to stick your head in a book and study for hours on end.
One of the things I like about Tommaso Zillio's course Complete Chord Mastery is that he includes lots of different formats for you guys to learn so whenever you want, whatever you are doing in your day, you can always find time to fit in to learn a new chord or work on your harmony.
Dan Mayhew
Professional Teacher
Estimado Tommaso,
I’m writing to thank you. For the first time, I think perhaps ever, I’m moved to write to a teacher. With this course you have simply opened up vast new horizons of possibility and (yes) beauty.
I have been a musician for 45 years, with two years’ music theory training at the University of California. In all that time there was never a whisper of what you present in this course. Had there been, my life would have irrevocably changed. As it is, I feel that as of yesterday that belated change has occurred, and it is thanks to you, and much better late than never!
You have made my life better, richer, and more.
Again thank you, and many blessings to you,
Alaric Balibrera
Sonoma, California

All the material is great and how it's organised for me is perfect. I like the way you explain and put all the pieces together.
I studied years in a music conservatory and for me nothing was making much sense at all, I was memorising things without understanding.
I left the school because it was very boring and continued on my own until I saw you explaining Music Theory on a live session with other teachers, I thought, "This is the teacher I need" and I was not wrong.
For me this course is a great job Tommaso and how it motivated me to keep on learning Theory and making me understand how it will help me focus on music.
I'm very glad I decided to do the course, all is positive, I can only say: Thank you, you have gave me the real perception of what music is and what it's for.
The only negative point I could say is that I didn't have this course when I started learning music
Lobo Nebher
The information in the course is great and I'm already actively using stuff from lesson 1 in real playing situations. You're doing great stuff!
Nick B
Everything happened so smoothly I almost didn’t notice it…. But now I realize that writing music is no longer that endless, painful trial-and-error process, and much to my surprise, all of a sudden, I can tell what’s going on in a piece of music as I play it, right on the spot.
My knowledge of chords, scales, and their relationship is right under my fingers, not only in my head, turning day by day into second nature.
I went to the whole course twice, and now I’m doing it all over again, and every time I found something else to grow on with I couldn’t grasp before.
Massimo Di Croce
Just watched the second episode. When it started I thought 'bugger I know this'. Half way through I thought 'Wow this has blown my mind - it is brilliant and only the second lesson.'
Superb and thank you, so much to think about and apply now.
Leo C
YES! I Want To Get Started Right Away! Give Me The Complete Chord Mastery Course Now
Still got questions?
“This course sounds amazing, but it's too complex for me. I don't have the time to study all this stuff”
- This course both SAVES you time and makes things EASIER. Which is faster: proceeding blindly by trial and error? Or knowing what you want to hear and how to find it on the fretboard? This course opens up new avenues that you would be very hard find by yourself, as they are the condensed experience of many composers and many guitarists (THIS is what music theory is!). It also gives you a more complete understanding of music via exercises, clear examples, and practical applications. There are things that you think are out of your grasp that this course makes easy.
“I already know my chords in all positions”
- And that's great, but that's only part of what you need to know: knowing positions and patterns is not enough. You also have to learn how chords follow each other (for example: how to create chord progressions). And how the different positions you know for each chord connect to each other. In my experience, when people say "I know the chords in all positions" what they mean is that they studied a system like CAGED (and they learned all of it). But CAGED is far from being a complete system of chord shapes. While it may give you some structure to find some positions, it still does not do anything to teach you the rest of the theory and applications you need to leverage these chord progressions in actual music.
“I am a Jazz player, I don't want to learn Classical theory (or: I am a Metal player, I don't want to learn Jazz chords, etc...)”
- I understand your concern: you want to focus on your style and not "waste time" learning other styles. I can assure you this will not be a problem. The principles behind music theory in all styles are the same, and both Classical and Jazz theory are two sides of the same coin. I teach you the principles, and then show you how to use them. You learn all the principles and then you pick and choose the applications that you want to learn... so you can focus only on the styles that you want to learn. Also, with the sequence of exercises that you go through in the course, you exercise your creativity over and over. You will write the music YOU like using the concepts I teach you.
“I have a very busy life: One/Two sessions per month are too much for me”
- Yes, life is busy... that's why I designed the course so that most guitar players (who can dedicate at least 30 minutes a day to the guitar) will be able to study 2 sessions per month. If you really have a super-busy life (you travel a lot, or find yourself not being able to play for several days in a row) then 1 session per month may be a better option for you. Either way, you can change the course's schedule anytime from one to two session and the other way around. So, I recommend that you start with 2 session per month and go from there. In my experience, that's the best solution for the vast majority of students. Remember that this course SAVES you time by teaching you the things you need to know to make real music. Every minute you invest in it will repay you back many times over.

“This course is too expensive. There are other guitar courses that cost less than this one”
- There are cheap courses out there that you could buy. However, cheap courses tend to be "cookie-cutter" courses based on the (lame) CAGED system. In these course they promise to teach you the chords in "all the five positions" (as if a chord had only 5 positions on the guitar fretboard...). It's true, you may be able to learn a few chord shapes from them. But they will not teach you anything else you need to know (such as, how to build chord progressions and how to apply the chord shapes you learn)... and even if they did, they still do not give you the series of gradual exercises that I give you in this course. These exercises help you build a complete understanding of chord mastery.
“You do not use the CAGED system, so your course is bad/incorrect/incomplete/etc...”
- Despite what its proponents advertise, the CAGED system is neither complete, nor the best way to see the fretboard. This is true for scales AND for chords/arpeggios. If you are really dead set on learning CAGED, then this is NOT the course for you... but if you are willing to learn harmony as it should be learned and let the chords dictate how they "want" to be played as opposed to shoehorn them into 5 fictional "positions" (like CAGED does), then this is the course for you.
“What if I have questions? What if I need somebody to guide me through the examples?”
- This course comes with access to LIVE VIDEO SUPPORT. Every week, I personally will answer your questions live on video (via Zoom). From the correct way to finger chords, to tips on practicing the exercises, to using what you learn in your own songs... I m happy to answer any questions you might have, and help you become the musician you want to be!
"I don't like the subscription model. I prefer not to keep paying to access the same session. Can't I just buy the course and have it in my account?"
The subscription in my courses works in a different way than what you seem to think: this is not a "Netflix subscription" where you pay to access some content and when you stop paying that you can't access that content anymore.
In my courses, you pay only for the NEW material: every month you receive one or two new sessions (depending if you choose the Silver or Gold options below). Not only you can stop the subscription anytime from your account, but you keep access to the sessions you got so far even after you stop. YES, that means that all the sessions you get will stay in your account FOREVER and you can download all the material and streams all the videos
Not only that, but if in the future you restart your subscription, you pick up the course from where you left off.
So, basically, you ARE buying the course: every time a new session drops in your account, it's yours and will stay there.
Why did I set up the course in that way? Because I want you to go through the course at your own pace... and because I do want you to be able to review your sessions in the future, however many times you want, without feeling rushed.
Here is what you need to do right now:
- Scroll down.
- Pick the option you want to attend.
- Click on the correct orange button that says: “Add To Cart”.
As soon as you do this, you will get instant access to your first lesson and your two bonus items.
So, get started right now:

Tommaso Zillio
PS: P.S. If your level of chord mastery isn’t where you want it to be, don’t put off getting the solution any longer. If you hesitate to get this one-of-a-kind course on mastering chords, you’ll remain stuck with all the same frustrations you have been struggling with for a long time… let’s change that today. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result... So do something different! Get Complete Chord Mastery now, click here to get started.