Gorgeous Chord Progressions With Secondary Diminished Chords

Gorgeous Chord Progressions With Secondary Diminished Chords

Tommaso Zillio

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diminished chord resolution

There are many ways a song can come to be.

Sometimes inspiration strikes and the song comes out of your guitar fully formed. You just need to press "rec" and you are done. Great!

But sometimes - in fact most of the times, if we are to be honest - songs don't come out this simply.

In this case we all want to heed the wise advice of sir Paul McCartney: "take a bad song, and make it better". Start with the ideas you have... and transform them until they sound great.

To do that, it's very useful to know several tricks to transform chord progressions to do your bidding

So... what if there was a trick that makes any simple chord progression sound much much better with next to no effort?

This trick will make progression made by triads sound 'more classical' and any Jazz chord progression sound 'more jazz'

Would you like to learn it?

(Honestly I would be surprised if you said 'no')

This trick involves a few diminished chords, and knowing how to resolve them - all things that I explain in the video above.

Of course, this is but ONE way to use diminished chords. These amazing chords are incredibly versatile and can do several things for your music.

In this other video, for instance, you can see how diminished chords are super-useful to change key smoothly:

But even this video does not exhaust the possibilities of these incredible chords.

To know everything there is to know about not only diminished chords, but all kinds of chords... and especially to learn to USE these chords in actual music, so you can write your own or play creative covers... then I absolutely recommend you have a look at the Complete Chord Mastery guitar course

I could write several paragraphs here on why you should go and check that course out... but if you are reading this, you are smart enough to realize all the reasons by yourself - you don't need me to repeat you the obvious, right? ;-)

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