Why Your Songs Do Not Feel "EMOTIONAL" [Tips For Songwriters]

Why Your Songs Do Not Feel "EMOTIONAL" [Tips For Songwriters]

Tommaso Zillio

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writing demo song

Do you have an ‘eternal project’ in your hard drive?

Guess you may not know what this is so let me say it in a different way…

Do you have a song that you have started writing… and that you keep revisiting every now and then… and that somehow never gets finished?

This is an ‘eternal project’. A song that always stays ‘a project’ and never actually becomes ‘a finished song’.

Maybe you don’t have one. Maybe you have a few dozens ;-) That would actually be normal.

Do you know why ‘eternal projects’ happen?

It’s because you are composing that song ‘out of order’

Yes I know that you run to your DAW/recording program as soon as you have an idea… and this is one of the reasons you have so many ‘eternal projects’ going on.

While there are many possible ways to write a song, some things need to happen before others. For instance, you should not immediately start recording your song.

And you should not fiddle with any reverb either unless you have a song structure.

To make sense of this, and see how you can finally complete your ‘eternal projects’… here’s a few suggestions from one songwriter to another:

Also, everything is so much easier in songwriting when you can properly “visualize” your song.

How do you visualize a song? Sounds like a contradiction (a song is made of sounds, not images) and yet here’s how you do it… and why it makes writing songs so much easier:

One absolutely necessary condition for writing your own songs and make them original is to know your harmony. Now harmony gets a bad reputation since it looks abstract and useless…

… but if taught the right way you will find it will give you endless ideas for your song. If you ar ea guitar player then you will appreciate learning harmony (from beginner to advanced) directly on your fretboard with the Complete Chord Mastery guitar course

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