"Guitar Teachers HATE This Weird Trick" [Of Course We Do...]

"Guitar Teachers HATE This Weird Trick" [Of Course We Do...]

Tommaso Zillio

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I got an email in my inbox the other day with a question from a student that made me flip out.

It wasn’t the student’s fault, and I wasn’t angry with him.

He sent me a link to a video that promises “This weird trick will have you learn the fretboard in 5 minutes”

These things drive me up a wall.

Why? Because:

  • Anything marketed as ‘Weird trick’ doesn’t work. Ever. (Notice that the promise is that you will learn the trick in 5 minutes… not that you will learn the fretboard in 5 minutes…)

  • When (not ‘if’) they don’t work, then you think it’s your fault, that you have no talent, that you were not made to play guitar.

  • They also promote a “shortcut” mindset that does not help when you learn music

Hey, I’m all for making things as clear and easy as possible. If you’ve been receiving these emails for a while, you know that music theory can be made simple and useful.

But there is a difference between making things simple and easy… and dumbing them down until they are not useful anymore.

So let me debunk this trick once and for all.

In this video you find the wretched trick explained, why it fails, and what to do instead.

And just to be blunt with it, here’s exactly how to learn your guitar fretboard.

This system actually works:

If you are tired of “weird tricks” that promise the moon and deliver just frustration, then I would recommend you completely change your outlook.

Stop trying to learn things “fast”

Start learning things “right”, and especially in the right order.

Where do you start? Here’s a good one: Complete Chord Mastery guitar course

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