Can We Even Agree On What Altered Dominant Chord Are?

Can We Even Agree On What Altered Dominant Chord Are?

Tommaso Zillio

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altered dominant chord

Altered dominant chords are some of the spiciest and interesting chords available to us musicians.

Altered chords can be used in any style. While they seem most common in Jazz, they have been used successfully in all styles. The infamous 'Hendrix chord' for instance, is an altered dominant chord.

And yet, despite how great they sound, altered chords seems to be shrouded in mystery for the majority of guitar players. We guitarists often don't know how to play them, how to use them, what scales to play on them...

In this new video we are going to see together what altered dominant chords are, what scales work on them, and why musicians seem to constantly disagree on what exactly an altered dominant is.

So that's that for 'standard' altered chords.

But if your appetite for dissonance is not satiated yet, and you want to learn how to create the craziest chords and make them sound good, then watch this video:

And to see some practical examples on how a master musician uses altered dominant chords, here's a video on the "Stevie Wonder" chord, a very dissonant altered dominant chord that can be wrought into super-smooth chord progressions:

To finally learn how chords and harmony actually work in real music and especially how YOU can use all these wonderful sound directly on your guitar fretboard, then check out the Complete Chord Mastery guitar course.

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