Brad Huett

Brad Huett

← Music Theory Students

Brad Huett

Courses: Complete Chord Mastery, Master of the Modes


We can all play our guitar.

I do not believe that any student prospect that comes to Tommaso has not performed in front of family and friends, demonstrating their current location on the path for their lifelong journey as a “Student of the Guitar”.

As an instructor myself in the past, I would receive three types of guitar students:

  1. The Amateurs Player – Relative beginners who have heard the guitar Siren’s call and wish to learn more about guitar playing in the fastest way possible

  2. The Intermediate Player – Guitarists who have overcome one or more of the guitar maturity plateaus and cannot move past their current one. Generally these guitarists have performed professionally at least once. They see visions of “Stardom” and seek a path to immortality

  3. The Professional Player – These guitarists are seasoned, mature, and tempered by the reality of the music industry. They are looking for what we call in the Technology Industry a “Gap Analysis”, a path to finding the missing pieces they have overlooked in their current musical journey. Their mindset is “Back to the Basics”

The Amateur is driven by fear and wonderment, the Intermediate by ego and frustration, the Professional for seeking a better understanding of their art.

I am in the third category, a well seasonal professional guitarist since 1969. I am known as the Muse Guitarist. My website music and professional home recording studio can be easily found with a Google search. If you are interested in my credits, history, and instructors in the past, you will find them there.

Tommaso’s courses do teach us “How” to play but any teacher, good or bad, can do that.

Tommaso’s courses seek to teach us a far more difficult, abstract concept: How to “Think” so we do not “Have” to think as much about theory and technic when we perform.

It has been said, if you are a right-handed guitarist: “Your left hand is What you know, your right hand is Who you are as a guitarist”.

Tommaso gives you the tools to learn the “What” in his videos and exercises for your left hand.

His real gift to us is his philosophical wisdom of being a professional guitarist for who you are as a guitarist: Your right hand.

He teaches us how to learn theory in a way that allows us to create amazing guitar performance concentrating on the Music we are creating and not the Technical Skills required to create the music.

After fifty years on my guitar journey, Tommaso took me to a new level of thinking, playing, and creating that I thought at my age was not possible.

As a follow-up note: Do the Exercises!!!

Course Review

This is my story with Tommaso. It is a story about “Returning to the Basics”, it is a story about “Roots”, it is a story about “Humility”.

Brad Huett

I am known as the “Muse Guitarist” from my music, guitar, and professional home studio website:

I am not the guitarist from the band “Muse”, but I am the “Muse” for guitarist I have helped on the guitar wisdom journey.

After watching a number of Tommaso’s shameless plug Monday videos, I decided to see if he was promoting training Hype or real training Substance.

After being impressed with his organization skills and delivery methods, I signed up for the “Master of the Modes” one lesson a month program.

I chose this course as I had been teaching Modes for the guitar since 1977.

Modes have been a passion and the cornerstone for my hybrid Rock and contemporary Jazz style ever since studying with Tommy Bolin, Deep Purple’s lead guitarist in the mid-seventies and Jazz greats Johnny Smith and Howard Roberts.

Shortly after completing lesson one, with its “Spotlight” lesson and exercises, I quickly committed to checking out “Complete Chord Mastery”. After completing the first lesson I went “All-In”.

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step”.

The Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu was ringing in my head as I committed to two lessons a month for both courses.

My journey with Tommaso Zillio had begun!

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