Gottfrid Norberg Waxin

Course: Master of the Modes, Complete Chord Mastery
"The Master Of The Modes course is one of the best investments I've made into my own guitar playing. It's such a fun course that explores the theory and practice of modes in a way that I haven't seen before. I have been able to progress with Tommaso's course very quickly, and a big part of that comes from how the concepts are being taught. Tommaso is an excellent teacher that explains the concepts in a logical and very understandable manner that makes it easy and fun to practice. It simply feels that whatever Tommaso brings up next, is the next logical step to take
"Most courses or resources I've seen on modes have been very linear, hard to understand, and quite frankly, boring. What I love about the Master Of The Modes course is that it's really fun, easy to dive in to, and very well thought out. Another thing that is great with Master Of The Modes compared to other courses or resources, is that it shows you how to properly use the concepts you learn in very creative ways.
"If you feel like you are struggling and are unhappy with your guitar playing, remember that it doesn't have to be this way. If you want to be proud over your guitar playing, feel free to express yourself, and show everyone around you who you are through your guitar playing, then Master Of The Modes is a perfect fit for you!"