Is there a FAST way to learn music THEORY?

Is there a FAST way to learn music THEORY?

Tommaso Zillio

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learn music theory hack

What is the best ‘shortcut’ for understanding how to put music together?

The chords that work best together and how they’re constructed, how to make melodies fit with a chord progression, how to evoke a particular sound/style/emotion, etc....

You could of course just learn music theory, which was created specifically to accomplish all these things in the most effective and complete possible way...

... but we’re looking for shortcuts, and that’s really more of a ‘long-cut’, is it not?

We live in the era of life hacks and cheat codes. How can someone be expected to have the patience to learn about music theory, instead of using a shortcut that accomplishes all of the same things, in a fraction of the time?

So, what we’re looking for is a way to learn all of the things you would know by understanding music theory, in the shortest possible amount of time.

And it just so happens that I know exactly what this is. The fastest possible way, the quickest shortcut to understanding all of the things music theory would teach you.

Want to find out what that is? Go at the video below and I’ll share the ultimate shortcut with you.

A great place to get started with your music theory journey is with chords and harmony. If you want to start learning more about chords on the guitar, check out my Complete Chord Mastery guitar course

Video Transcription

Hello Internet, so nice to see you! Got a great comment about music theory. Honestly, I don't understand the mentality either. I got another comment, which I would have screenshot and put there, but the person who wrote it deleted it, saying it was a comment about my video on how to learn the notes on the fretboard, and a person commented that you don't need any of that to play guitar.

Well, yes and no. See, that's the point. To play just a few chords, definitely you don't have to learn all the notes on the fretboard. But if you want to become better at it, eventually you will have to learn those notes on the fretboard.

One way or another, the easy way or the hard way, the explicit way or the implicit way, you have to know where to put your fingers, okay? I don't know what people don't want to learn. I think that sometimes people think of this instrument as something that you can play completely from your heart.

But the reality is that you play this instrument from your heart, but the playing is done with your fingers, okay? Sorry to be obvious, and through your brain, and you want to connect all those things, okay?

Music is made of emotion, but music is made also of logic one way or another, okay? A chord progression has to make sense. I mean, a melody has to make sense, and this is not just a property of the emotion, okay?

You need to know what's going on. For me, and I know for a number of people out there, the great fun of learning this instrument is learning more and more things you can do here and more ways to make music, and this has to pass through theory, period.

Now I know that you are thinking, I know some people out there are thinking, I don't want to learn all this theory, can you give me the shortcut? So let me be really clear guys, because what the point I'm gonna make right now, it's one of the most important point, I mean if you come away with one thing from all my channel, it has to be this thing.

The shortcut is music theory. Music theory is the shortcut. We invented it to have the shortcut on learning an instrument. We didn't invent music theory to make these more complicated. I do agree with you that a lot of people out there are teaching it and it makes things more complicated.

I do agree with you that if you go to the university or a jazz college, often what they teach is making things more complicated. But originally we invented music theory. 2. Be a shortcut and train musicians in a short amount of time so that they can do more things, be more versatile, be more emotional, be more expressive, with LESS practice time.

And I'm still teaching, or at least trying to teach theory in that exact way. To increase your abilities, to increase your emotional impact, to make your audience love you more. As opposed to just make long speeches on how a specific author uses a specific formal device, blah blah blah, which honestly I find this kind of thinking and discourse completely irrelevant and boring.

Music theory is the shortcut. You learn music theory, you get better at making music faster. If you approach guitar and you're thinking, I don't want to learn any music theory, guys, you are robbing yourself of the best part.

It's like, I want a pie, but I don't want any of the chocolate at the cream of the heart, okay? You're robbing yourself of the best, okay? And if you have been bored or, who knows, traumatized by people teaching music theory, I'm sorry for you and because there are some other people out there who do teach this in a strange way.

But if I can help, I will be happy to help, okay? Here's the thing. You want to become a musician, you want to create music, you want to play, even you want just to play the guitar, and you want people to listen to you and think, oh, listen, how good is this music?

And you want people to admire you, you want people to like what you're doing, okay? You want to communicate emotions with your audience, the fastest way is to learn music theory. Not all of it, maybe, okay?

The part relevant to you, definitely, but learn at least some music theory and learn how to apply it and... you will see your music, we get better and better. Whether you play your own originals, whether you play other people's cover, your music gets better.

You understand what you're doing. You become better at making that music sing, okay? Making the music move other people emotionally. It passes through music theory. You may not see this right now. If you approach on the other hand this instrument then I think again I just don't want to learn music theory.

I'm not saying go and do something else because I mean that would be mean, okay? And who knows maybe at the other day you're still gonna pick up some music theory here and there and be able to do your music.

I'm just saying you're going at it in a very inefficient way. You're choosing the hard road, you're choosing the long road and there is no guarantee you're ever going to get to the end. for your own sake okay i plead you to my knees even if not with me but study some music theory it will make your life easier and your music better and this is Tommaso Zillio for with a plea for you guys to study music theory and until next time enjoy!

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